One test for the diagnosis of 160 types of tumors

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor ( VEGF ) is a new tumor marker with a wide spectrum and high sensitivity. With this test, you can rest assured that the tumor will not go undetected.

This is an alarming trend because the number of tumor cases is increasing every year.

Detecting tumor at an early stage is essential to increase the chances of successful treatment. However, many tumor markers are limited in their ability to detect a wide range of tumors.

This lack of sensitivity can often lead to late detection and an increased risk of dying from cancer.

Analiza’s VEGF test is a broad-spectrum tumor marker with high sensitivity that can detect more than 160 types of tumor tissue. With this test of ours, you can rest assured that the tumor will not go undetected.

With the VEGF test, you can determine from one blood sample:

  • screening for the presence of tumor in the body
  • the likelihood of tumor spreading
  • the success of the therapy
  • recovery success





021 688 888


01 2099 880


051 309 309


A quick and simple method.


High sensitivity for over 160 types of tumor tissue that can be effectively combined with other tumor detection technologies.


Avoid the stress and discomfort of more invasive examinations and procedures.


Save on expensive examinations with one comprehensive test.

Early symptoms of tumor

Cancer is a disease that is difficult to detect at an early stage. Many symptoms are also common signs of other health problems.

Because of this, tumor can often remain undetected until it has progressed. That is why it is important to be aware of the early symptoms of cancer so that you can seek medical help as soon as possible if you notice any changes that worry you, to rule out any serious conditions.

Early detection is key to successful treatment, so don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if you’re concerned about your health.

Contact us for a free consultation today


01 2099 880


051 309 309




021 688 888

The price of the VEGF tumor marker is 99.54€ (749.98 kn)


The latest technology in laboratory diagnostics

Polyclinic Analiza was the first in Croatia to introduce immunofluorescent Quantum Dot technology in routine laboratory diagnostics, which provides reliable, quantitative values of 30 new biomarkers.

The application of Quantum Dot technology is considered one of the biggest steps in medical diagnostics, but also in the monitoring of therapy.

Research has been done on all solid tumors, and the works in the diagnosis and therapy of the following stand out in particular: breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, uterine cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer.